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Could New York Owe You Thousands? Discover How to Claim Your Unclaimed Money!

Do you ever wonder if you have unclaimed money waiting for you? In New York, a significant amount of unclaimed property could be yours! Here's how you can find out if you have any unclaimed a...

Greedy New York City Property Owners Face Multiple Class Action Lawsuits

New York City landlords and property managers who represent the five boroughs are getting hammered in class action lawsuits from their tenants. The Housing Rights Initiative helped tenants file 55 J-...

Video Gamers File Class-Action Lawsuits About Drifting Controllers

If you are a video game afficianado, you know that the controller can make or break your experience. If the controller is just a little bit off, it can ruin your video game experience and make your system ...

Why Not to Take Litigation Financing

Many people who have a personal injury lawsuit or are expecting some type of settlement will turn to a third party to obtain financing for their case. It does not mean that they are taking out a loan to get money for their case. Instea...

GM Pushed to the Edge with New Lawsuit: SUVs Loses Quarts of Oil Monthly

GM just welcomed another class-action lawsuit on their desk. The GM vehicles with the V8 Vortec engines have excessive oil consumption issues which is another unfortunate event on top of the other ...

Is Google Hiding the Truth from You?

On December 17, 2020, Google's parent company Alphabet Inc was hit by its third lawsuit in two months. The cases attempt to prove that Google uses its influence to stop others from sharing their products and ideas with you. It w...

Snapchat Expected To Face Legal Proceedings Over Fatal Accident

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social apps today among teenagers owing to its fun and engaging features. Nevertheless, since its debut, Snapchat has been facing a lot of disparagement and lawsuit...

Experts Say This Recent Disney+ Lawsuit Could Be Game Changing

Disney is no stranger to controversy, so it is no surprise that the media giant regularly gets sued. However, a recent lawsuit might end up being far more impactful than others. A new lawsuit announced on Thur...

Outstanding Facts about Unclaimed Money That Few People Know

Did you know that the US alone has an estimated $41 billion worth of unclaimed money? The money comes from various sources, including forgotten bank accounts, life insurance policies, and unredeemed gift cards....