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Solution for Your Long Search for Unclaimed Funds

If you have searched for unclaimed funds, you know how frustrating the process can be. You may have even given up, thinking the money was forever gone. But what if there was a solution? What if there were steps you could t...

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds According to news from Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday, the Treasury department is set to return around $10 million in unclaimed funds to Oregon residents in t...

Passengers File Class-Action Lawsuit Against Cruise Operator for COVID-19 Outbreak

Cruise ships have become an epicenter for the COVID-19 outbreak. Caught in close quarters with others as the virus was spreading, numerous passengers became ill and many eventually died. Th...

Amazon Hit with Lawsuit Brought by Sickened Employees

One of the major litigation issues arising from the COVID-19 outbreak is whether employers will be liable in civil lawsuits when employees contract coronavirus at work. The usual remedy for this is that the employee ca...

StockX Prepares to Defend Itself Against a Data-Breach Class-Action Lawsuit

StockX, a sneaker resale website, is involved in another class-action lawsuit because of a security data breach that happened last year. In May of 2019, over 6.8 million user accounts were hacked, a...

Grubhub Sued for Forcing "Partnerships" on Restaurants

Grubhub has been one of the businesses that have benefited from the COVID-19 lockdowns as people have ordered food in their homes. However, their business practices have come under attack from restaurants that claim t...

How Covid-19 Has Affected Business Law in 2021

The covid-19 pandemic is still presenting challenges in our daily lives. Important issues in business and corporate law are also feeling the effect of the global pandemic in 2021. The pandemic has effectively disrupted busine...

Experts Say This Recent Disney+ Lawsuit Could Be Game Changing

Disney is no stranger to controversy, so it is no surprise that the media giant regularly gets sued. However, a recent lawsuit might end up being far more impactful than others. A new lawsuit announced on Thur...

Do You Know How to Access Unclaimed Funds? Find Out

Billions of dollars in unclaimed funds remain in government coffers. This money is just waiting for the rightful owner to claim. In many cases, the money is from forgotten bank accounts, unclaimed insurance policies, or ...